Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Got screwed, literally. (;

I got screwed by a fcuking ugly Indian b!tch for nothing.God knows what was up her mind. Probably got fcuked the wrong place by some dickless guy before she saw me. Don't tell me she's hitting puberty menopause already. Anyways she should be lucky there's people out there who actually wants to fuck her. Cheap judge, I give no shit in your business so it's best you step out of mine too. I'm eighteen and you're downright stupid to even tell me what to and what not to do. I do not need someone like you who has no complete sense to bloody educate me. I didn't know eating chocolate was an act of obscenity in your eyes. Wait, that just reminds me of how conservative and outdated you are. Whoever your kids are, they will be the most unlucky and pathetic people on Earth. Trust me, this motherfucking ass is one miserable bitch who needs a major psychotherapy to stir some senses in her thick hollow skull.

Lalalalala, raya holidays coming. Let's berbuka puasa bersama-sama (:



Anonymous said...

where's the like button for this post? LOL!

Jo-Lynn said...

by commenting on it already shows that you like it anyway. (: